Friday, March 3, 2017

Another Fun Week

Hello everyone! I can't believe it's March already. The Ides of March are coming in like two weeks! I haven't had time to prepare! No, it's fine. I'll just put up funny jokes and everything will be fine.

Well, it was funny to me, ok!

This week was pretty uneventful. I updated a bunch of contact lists on Tuesday. I know, much fun, right? There was also another public affairs meeting this week! Yay fun! Public affairs meetings usually happen an hour before the time I normally get to the Chamber, so whenever there's a meeting I come an hour early to attend. Unfortunately, I accidentally came in at my usual time this week so I missed the meeting completely. Sigh. Why do I fail at life?

But it's fine! A nice Chamber human let me know what happened. People mostly discussed the issue of water in Arizona and Arizona's water management plan, especially since the Trump administration's recently said that they will be changing/repealing/doing something to the Clean Water Act because they say it gives the EPA an overreach of power. At the meeting, Ted Cooke discussed the Central Arizona Project, which is a 336-mile diversion canal. And then Director Tom Buschatzke spoke to the Chamber about Arizona water issues and future plans with that as well. So yay!

Before you ask, I got that off of the Chamber's Twitter feed because I'm awesome. And because I wanted you to have a visual. I care!

Anyways, I've been continuing to gather stories about lobbyists and arranging them in short vignettes so I can put them in my surveys. It's going pretty well so far. I'm planning on gathering some of my own experiences with lobbyists and putting them in the surveys too. I think that would be especially interesting to give to the general public and see what they make of the anecdotes. It would be nice to release those types of stories to the public so that they come to have a better understanding and impression of lobbying as well. I'm hoping to have a finished survey done by the end of next week, so fingers crossed! Seriously. Wish me all the luck you can because I am a serial productive procrastinator. It's a serious problem. I do other pretty unimportant things to procrastinate on doing one important thing and then I give myself a pat on the back for achieving what some people (teachers) say is impossible.

To my wonderful, supremely intelligent, and inspiring teachers—I completed all of my assignments three days before they were due. Just to clear things up.

So anyways, wish me luck as I wish you a splendiferous weekend! I'll come back with more incredibly interesting information from my Chamber life next week. It's going to be awesome and fun and we will all rejoice and love public policy. I'll have some more interesting information on NAFTA, trade, and possibly Senate Bill 1198 along with other disability law bills then too. But for now, I'm leaving you with a beautiful and uplifting cat meme to brighten your day. You're welcome.


  1. Hi Shreya! Who do you plan on giving the surveys to? Do you have people picked out that you're going to give the surveys to?

  2. Hey Shreya! Great post here! With regards to your survey, who is your sample group? Are you thinking of having a control group? If so, who are you thinking of including? Again great post and can't wait to read more!
